
VOTING.VN includes 4 main functions:
Free voting
Paid voting

Voting results are absolutely confidential, 100% cannot be modified. The number of votes is automatically calculated and publicly digitized by the system, so no one can influence or edit on the results of the contest.

We design a simple, easy-to-use interface for both voters and contest administrators. The process of voting, election, and rating is optimized. Digitalized results are easy to understand.

With modern technology, the VOTING.VN system ensures the transparency and accuracy of the results of the votings and elections. We guarantee that no result can be modified.
VOTING.VN strives to become the leading platform for voting, election and rating of domestic and international competitions and enteprises.

Constantly creating and innovating to bring customers the best service, to meet all customer desires.

Transparent governance, transparent cooperation, transparent responsibilities and transparent benefits to promote the trust, maintain the positive relationships.

Always work with our hearts, use all our energy and enthusiasm to complete the goal, bringing values for the benefit of customers.

This is priority number 1. Always listen, act sincerely towards the desire of understanding our customers.